Thursday, October 2, 2008

Palin vs. Biden

Well tonight everyone is going to get what they've been clamoring for since Gov. Palin was first announced as McCain's running mate: a vice presidential debate.

I don't really expect much to happen, but I'm sure Biden will try his whole smile and charm routine and try to throw in a couple zingers about Palin's inexperience. Maybe Palin should throw in a couple of zingers about Biden's hair plugs, or his many documented mishaps on the campaign trail.

Honestly, all the media is expecting for a Palin meltdown and I just don't see that happening. More likely is that Biden makes a misstep and directly contradicts the Messiah Obama on some issue or worse insults a key demographic. Palin likely will play it safe.

And speaking of vetting, how did we get Gwen Ifill as a moderator with her upcoming book that hails Obama as ushering in a new age? Whatever, typical media I guess.

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