Friday, October 10, 2008

Martin Can't Find Support In Mid-Georgia

Wow, the Perry debate sure lived up to its reputation as a wild one.

The best run down of what happened can be seen over at the AJC.

But as far as the chaos that went down, it all started out fine enough. Martin brought in his union thugs from Atlanta which is expected since he can't get any support in Middle Georgia. Blog for Democracy has their own account of what happened and admit that their only supporters had to be bussed in.

Soon enough into the debate though Martin's goons started booing and hissing. It seemed like some of those who were bussed in had been drinking on their ride from the union hq in Atlanta. Seriously, who goes to a debate drunk? I guess Martin supporters have to have their inhibitions loosened to support a guy like Jim.

Its funny though, they were relegated to the back rows because the Saxby supporters, numbering several hundred, took up all the front sections.

Now the Perry debate is very different from any of the other debates: its not televised, its big on crowd participation, and its wild. No real game changers emerged from the debate, except we now have confirmation that Martin has no support outside of Atlanta.

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